دموکراسی مبتنی بر نمایندگی
fuel inflation and erode their investments, whilst the state agencies and the government need to finance their activities and, after the advent of mass representative democracy, retain popular support.
As we shall see, it is widely believed that this is most effectively accomplished by liberal representative democracy.
Liberal representative democracy did not appear anywhere until the development of capitalism, and this has
Lenin, the founder of Russian communism, went so far as to say that representative democracy was capitalism's 'best political shell', in which the spurious equality of democratic citizenship acted to mask the fundamental underlying inequalities of class and economic power (Lenin 1963: 296).
Here we shall be concerned only with the basic scope of the involvement that is common to all states that combine representative democracy and market capitalism.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
دموکراسی نیابتی
representative democracy as a historical achievement, and, in their opinion, the civil society
(or stage of civilization) that sustained representative democracy also would support the moral
statehood, liberty, representative democracy, and responsible government.
representative democracy.
Bureaucracy, Representative democracy
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران